miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2009

Our 1st radio programme in Komunikate Radio - 22nd December 2009

We are trying our first radio programme today!! We hope it works.

Here you will be able to listen to us at 16:00
Ves aquí, clica el play a les 16:00 de dia 22 de desembre i ens sentiràs. Si vols participar al forum. Ho pots fer. Només han d'entrar un nom, no cal cap contrasenya i escollir Room 1.

The programme didn't work a lot, only 5 viewers were listening... It was a pity!!!
Here you will be able to listen to our radio programme after the 22nd November 2009.

Here you can also listen to the radio programme: http://puentesalmundo.net/node/459

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